Exhibit 5—Elements of a Performance Story

A good performance story covers the following elements:

What is the context?

  • the overall setting of the program (description, objectives, resources)
  • the results chain (program theory)
  • the risks faced

What was expected to be accomplished at what cost?

  • statement of the (clear and concrete) outputs and outcomes expected
  • planned spending

What was accomplished in light of these expectations?

  • the relevant outputs delivered at what cost
  • the outcomes realized related to the expectations
  • a discussion of the evidence available demonstrating the contribution made by the program to those outcomes

What was learned and what will be done next?

  • a discussion of what will be done differently as a result of what was achieved

What was done to assure quality data?

  • a description of what the organization does to ensure the quality of the data and information reported

The main story line of a performance story is how well has the program performed in relation to what was expected and what will now be done differently to better ensure future performance.