What to Expect—An Auditee’s Guide to the Performance Audit Process

12—Multi-entity audits

Many issues cut across more than one department or agency. When performance audit work of the Office of the Auditor General (OAG) includes a number of federal departments and agencies, the Office

Audited entities may receive only those portions of the principal’s (PX) draft chapter that are relevant to them. If circumstances warrant or if all audited entities agree, the full PX draft chapter may be provided to all audited entities. Only the audited entity or entities mentioned directly in a recommendation will be required to respond, initially in draft form, to that recommendation.

Following confirmation and validation of the facts in the PX draft chapter, the OAG will normally send all entities covered by the scope of the audit a complete copy of the deputy minister (DM) transmission draft chapter, which will include the draft entity responses to recommendations. The entities are expected to provide their final comments and sign-off, including written confirmation that their responses to the recommendations are final.

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