Travel Expenses

Sheila Fraser, Auditor General of Canada

2011-03-02 to 2011-06-01 (March-June)

Date(s) Purpose and Details Total Cost* Recovered Cost
2011-02-26 to 2011-03-03 Audit $1,682.80 $0.00
2011-03-13 to 2011-03-16 Attend an International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) Development Initiative (IDI) board meeting **$3,545.27 $0.00
2011-03-18 to 2011-03-27 Participant at the Global Working Group's (GWG) Meeting $7,300.36 $0.00
2011-04-13 to 2011-04-15 Testify at the hearing of the Standing Committee on Oversight of Government Operations and Public Accounts **$1,906.95 $0.00
2011-04-27 to 2011-04-29 Attend a meeting with regional staff $1,591.84 $0.00
2011-05-08 to 2011-05-12 Attend a meeting with regional staff; Keynote speaker at various events $2,358.02 $0.00
2011-05-15 to 2011-05-17 Attend a university convocation ceremony $1,231.19 $0.00
Total $19,616.43 $0.00

* Includes all applicable taxes.

** Information added or revised.