Mental Health Services in Rural Yukon—Department of Health and Social Services

At a GlanceMental Health Services in Rural Yukon—Department of Health and Social Services

  Why we did this audit

  • The 17 rural communities have historically had fewer amenities and supports than are typically available in an urban environment. The availability of and accessibility to mental health services is vital for people living in these communities to live healthy lives: mentally, physically, socially, and spiritually.
  • Because of the unique needs and cultural diversity of Yukon communities, the department must understand the extent and types of services needed in each community to be able to provide services to meet those needs.

  Our findings

  • The department successfully increased access to mental health services in rural communities. It established a permanent presence of mental health services by implementing Mental Wellness and Substance Use hubs in 4 key rural communities.
  • Because the department did not measure and report on its efforts, it did not know if the services being provided through the hubs were meeting the needs of Yukoners.
  • Though the department has increased access to mental health services, it has struggled to recruit and retain staff to deliver these services. In addition, the department’s mental health services were not always culturally responsive.
  • The department and other agencies worked together to maintain access to mental health services while managing the many effects of the pandemic in rural communities.

  Key facts and figures

  • Yukon has a vast geographic area populated by roughly 42,000 people. While almost 80% live in Whitehorse, the rest of the population lives in 17 rural communities across the territory.
  • An estimated 8,400 Yukoners (1 in 5) experience mental wellness or substance use issues every year.

  Our recommendations

  • The Department of Health and Social Services should regularly consult with a broad representation of residents of rural communities to identify and implement adjustments and improvements so that the department provides the mental health services that are most needed.
  • The Department of Health and Social Services should complete and implement a recruitment and retention strategy for mental health service providers that considers the unique challenges faced by the rural communities and propose innovative solutions to address these challenges.
  • The Department of Health and Social Services should develop and implement a plan to work with First Nations to improve cultural safety in service delivery on an ongoing basis.
  • The Department of Health and Social Services should establish, measure, and report on the performance of its mental health services in rural Yukon.

See full list of recommendations and responses

United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals logoUnited Nations’ sustainable development goal number 3: Good health and well-being

Canada has committed to implementing the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals. One of those goals is to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all and at all ages. This includes the mental health of rural Yukoners.

Visit our Sustainable Development page to learn more about sustainable development and the Office of the Auditor General of CanadaOAG.

Related information

Entities Yukon Department of Health and Social Services
Completion date 29 January 2021
Tabling date 7 June 2021
Related audits Reports to Yukon Legislative Assembly