Follow-up on Internal Audit Recommendations

Follow-up on Internal Audit Recommendations

Executive Summary


Objective, scope, and approach


Internal Audit of Classification and Compensation—December 2004
Internal Audit of the Management of Human Resources and Professional Development Function—April 2006
Internal Audit—Assessment of the Design of the Office’s Quality Management System—October 2008




About the follow-up audit


Scope and approach of the follow-up audit

Assessment of Audit Recommendation Implementation

Internal Audit of Travel—January 2004
Internal Audit of Classification and Compensation—December 2004
Internal Audit of Hospitality Expenses—December 2005
Internal Audit of the Management of Human Resources and Professional Development Function—April 2006
Internal Audit of the Staffing Function—May 2008
Internal Audit—Assessment of the Design of the Office’s Quality Management System—October 2008
Internal Audit of Controls over Financial Transactions and GX Financial Reporting System—November 2009
Internal Audit of Hospitality—December 2010


Management Response

Executive Summary


1. The Practice Review and Internal Audit—Multi-year Plan for Fiscal Years 2012–13 to 2014–15 recommended one internal audit activity for the 2012–13 fiscal year: a follow-up of past internal audit recommendations.

Objective, scope, and approach

2. The objective of the follow-up audit was to assess how well responsible managers had implemented the recommendations made in the 11 internal audits that were conducted over the past 10 years.

3. We sought input from management and reviewed the supporting documentation provided. We also reviewed the Office of the Auditor General of Canada’s (OAG’s) INTRAnet site for pertinent documents.


4. We found that management has fully implemented all of the recommendations in 8 of the 11 internal audits that we examined. We also found that management had partially implemented the recommendations in the following three internal audits.

Internal Audit of Classification and Compensation—December 2004

5. One of the four recommendations has not been fully implemented.

6. There has been some progress in acquiring an up-to-date Human Resource (HR) management information system. We found that the OAG asked to join the Government of Canada Human Resources Management System (GCHRMS), which is the human resource information and management system that is endorsed by Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, under its Shared Systems Initiative. However, the government’s delay in implementing the new HR system has prevented the Office from fully implementing this recommendation.

Internal Audit of the Management of Human Resources and Professional Development Function—April 2006

7. Two of the nine recommendations have not been fully implemented.

8. Management agreed to compare its capacities to other organizations’ good practices and to identify and address any variances. We found that the Office participated in a government-wide HR management benchmarking exercise, which was lead by Deloitte. We also found that HR staff was in the process of conducting its own exercise, by comparing the HR and professional development management practices at the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) to those at the OAG. However, HR has not analyzed the results of the benchmarking exercises to identify any variances and take any necessary corrective action.

9. Management agreed with the recommendation that staffing officers should take the central agency training available to them. We reviewed staffing officers training records and found that two of the three staffing officers have completed the available training. Management indicated that the remaining staffing officer is scheduled to take the training in 2013.

Internal Audit—Assessment of the Design of the Office’s Quality Management System—October 2008

10. Two of the nineteen recommendations have not been fully implemented:

11. Appendix A includes our assessment of progress made against each recommendation in the 11 internal audits.



12. Internal audits focus on management processes and administrative services within the Office of the Auditor General (OAG). The Practice Review and Internal Audit group (PRIA) provides independent assessments to the Auditor General, on whether the processes and services are appropriately designed and operating effectively; the PRIA group also makes recommendations for improvements. The internal audit reports also provide the Auditor General with assurance that key areas within the OAG are being adequately managed.

13. Over the past 10 years, the PRIA group has conducted 11 internal audits. These have confirmed the effective functioning of selected processes and services, and have included a number of recommendations for improvements.


14. The Practice Review and Internal Audit—Multi-year Plan for Fiscal Years 2012–13 to 2014–15, which was recommended by the OAG Audit Committee and approved by the Auditor General, contained one internal audit activity for the 2012–13 fiscal year: a follow-up of past internal audit recommendations.

About the follow-up audit


15. The objective of the follow-up audit on the past internal audit recommendations was to assess the progress that responsible managers made in implementing these recommendations. The PRIA group follows up on each recommendation until it has been fully implemented.

Scope and approach of the follow-up audit

16. The scope of the follow-up audit focused on all outstanding recommendations in the 11 internal audits that were conducted between 2000 and 2012. These included recommendations from the following internal audits:

17. In 2008, the PRIA group reported the results of a follow-up of five internal audits to the Audit Committee. The assessment indicated that the recommendations from two of the internal audits had been partially implemented; they are included in the current follow-up. All of the recommendations made in the following three internal audits had been fully implemented:

18. We requested and received management reports on progress made against the outstanding recommendations as well as key documents that supported the reports. We also reviewed the OAG INTRAnet for pertinent documents.

Assessment of Audit Recommendation Implementation

Internal Audit of Travel—January 2004

19. The PRIA group’s 2008 assessment of management’s progress in implementing recommendations found that one recommendation—that the Office should monitor the use of discount airfares—had not been implemented. At the time of the assessment, the PRIA group made four new recommendations related to improving the use and monitoring of discounted airfares. The new recommendations were based on the findings from a review of a sample of 35 out of 227 travel activities, which were identified in a Public Works and Government Services (PWGSC) report and for which OAG staff had not accepted discounted fares.

20. We found that the Comptroller’s Branch had fully implemented the following four new recommendations:

Internal Audit of Classification and Compensation—December 2004

21. Three of the four recommendations that were assessed as outstanding in the PRIA group’s 2008 follow-up have now been fully implemented.

22. There has been some progress made on the recommendation to acquire an up-to-date HR management information system. We found that the OAG asked to join the Government of Canada Human Resources Management System (GCHRMS), which is the human resource information and management system that is endorsed by Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, under its Shared Systems Initiative. In 2009, the administrator of GC HRMS informed the Office that it could use the system. At that time, the GC HRMS was in the process of converting existing members from the old information system platform to PeopleSoft, so the Office decided to delay joining the shared service to avoid a double conversion from the OAG system to the old information system platform and then to PeopleSoft. In 2012, the Office again asked to join GC HRMS but was informed that no new departments or agencies would be given access to the system until the conversion of existing users to PeopleSoft had been completed. The delay in the GC HRMS data conversion has prevented the Office from implementing the recommendation to acquire an up-to-date HR information system.

Internal Audit of Hospitality Expenses—December 2005

23. There were two outstanding recommendations from this report:

Internal Audit of the Management of Human Resources and Professional Development Function—April 2006

24. Seven of the nine recommendations have been fully implemented. The following two were only partially implemented:

Internal Audit of the Staffing Function—May 2008

25. All five recommendations have been fully implemented.

26. We noted that one of the recommendations, that the Office reconsider requiring written support by superiors during the promotion process, was discussed by the Executive Committee. The response from the Committee was that it was satisfied there were a sufficient number of controls and reviews in the process to ensure that there was no possible abuse of power. Since the Executive Committee has considered the recommendation and has decided to maintain the status quo, we consider the recommendation fully implemented.

Internal Audit—Assessment of the Design of the Office’s Quality Management System—October 2008

27. Management has fully implemented 17 of the 19 recommendations and has partially implemented the following 2:

Internal Audit of Controls over Financial Transactions and GX Financial Reporting System—November 2009

28. We found that the recommendation from this Internal Audit was fully implemented.

Internal Audit of Hospitality—December 2010

29. We found that the recommendation from this Internal Audit was fully implemented. We noted that the Comptroller’s Group had updated the OAG Hospitality Policy to reflect the Directive on the Management of Expenditures on Travel, Hospitality and Conferences, from the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. The OAG policy clarified the various types of events, with the terms “work-related” or “formal work-related” no longer used, to be consistent with the Directive.


30. We found, in the 8 internal audits that we examined, that 41 of the 46 recommendations made to management were fully implemented and 5 remain outstanding.

Management Response

31. Management has reviewed this report and accepts its conclusions.