Upcoming reports

Upcoming audits

Find topics and dates of upcoming reports to Parliament, Northern Legislative Assemblies, and Crown corporations. Click on the triangle for more information about these upcoming audits. Information is regularly posted / updated. Please note that audit topics and dates are subject to change.

Performance Audits of Government Services and Programs

Report titles
Anticipated publication: 2024
Canada Summer Jobs

Entity: Employment and Social Development Canada

Many young Canadians face barriers and challenges to enter the labour market. Statistics Canada data shows that as of June 2023, the unemployment rate for youth (ages 15 to 24), is 11.5%, which is more than double that of the adult population.

The Canada Summer Jobs Program has been in place since 1997. It is delivered by the Department of Employment and Social Development under the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy.

Audit objective
This audit seeks to determine whether Employment and Social Development Canada provided wage subsidies to qualified employers that resulted in youth gaining work experience, including those facing barriers.

Digital Identity

Entity: Employment and Social Development Canada, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, Shared Services Canada, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

Canadians increasingly rely on digital technology to connect with each other, to work, and to access services. The federal government is planning to put in place a national approach to digital identity so that Canadians can access government services and other services across the economy securely and seamlessly, anytime, anywhere and on any device.

A digital identity is a digital equivalent of physical identification documents, such as a passport, a driver’s licence, a health card, and university diploma, which Canadians would use to access services to which they are entitled.

Audit objective
The audit seeks to determine whether Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, with the support of Shared Services Canada, Employment and Social Development Canada, and Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, and in consultation with other departments, is effectively planning a national approach to digital identity that will provide Canadians with digital identification to seamlessly and securely access government and other services.

Programs to Assist Seniors

Entity: Employment and Social Development Canada, Statistics Canada

In 2023, Statistics Canada data indicated that 19% of the population was 65 years or older. For the first time in Canadian history, there were more people aged 65 and older than under 18. Canada’s population is aging, and it is critical for government to ensure that programs are in place to provide seniors with the necessary economic, health, and social supports to help them age well and remain financially secure.

Audit objective
This audit seeks to determine whether

  • Employment and Social Development Canada effectively led the federal government in ensuring that programs were in place to address seniors’ needs, now and as the population continues to age
  • Statistics Canada provided information to support Employment and Social Development Canada’s efforts to lead federal programming to address seniors’ needs
Industrial and Technological Benefits

Entity: Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, National Defence, Public Services and Procurement Canada

The Industrial and Technological Benefits policy was established to meet the third goal of the Defence Procurement Strategy, which is to leverage equipment purchases to create jobs and economic growth for Canadians. The policy requires companies awarded certain defence and Canadian Coast Guard procurement contracts to undertake business activity in Canada equal to the value of the contracts.

Audit objective
The audit seeks to determine whether Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada ensures that the Industrial and Technological Benefits policy meets its objectives, as part of the Defence Procurement Strategy, for contracts managed in partnership with National Defence and Public Services and Procurement Canada.

Canada Emergency Business Account

Entity: Canada Revenue Agency, Export Development Canada, Finance Canada, Global Affairs Canada

The Canada Emergency Business Account was announced on 27 March 2020 as part of Canada’s COVID‑19 Economic Response Plan. The objective was to help small businesses and not-for-profit organizations cover their operating costs during the COVID‑19 pandemic and to position them for recovery.

Initially, the program provided interest-free loans of $40,000 to eligible businesses, with $10,000 to be forgiven if the rest of the loan was repaid by a set date. In October 2020, the government announced that an additional $20,000 would be available for loan holders as a top-up amount, half of which would be forgivable.

Audit objective
This audit seeks to determine whether Finance Canada, Global Affairs Canada, Export Development Canada, and the Canada Revenue Agency, according to their roles and responsibilities, managed the Canada Emergency Business Account pandemic support program for small businesses with due regard for value for money.

Report titles
Anticipated publication: 2025
Network Cybersecurity

Entities: Communications Security Establishment Canada, Shared Services Canada, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

Much of Canada’s economy and critical infrastructure relies on digital systems, as does the federal government's ability to provide services to Canadians. This makes Canada vulnerable to cybercrime attacks by those wishing to undermine our national security, economic prosperity, faith in democratic institutions, and way of life.

To help ensure that the government is equipped to combat cyber-threats, Budget 2024 provided $11.1 million over 5 years to the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat to work on aspects of a whole-of-government cybersecurity strategy. The goal of the Government of Canada’s Enterprise Cyber Security Strategy is to define objectives to improve the government’s cybersecurity posture and to support its implementation.

Audit objective
The audit seeks to determine whether the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, Communications Security Establishment Canada, and Shared Services Canada had the governance and tools in place to protect and defend government networks and systems against cyber-threats in a coordinated manner.

Canada’s Future Fighter Jets

Entities: Defence Construction Canada, National Defence, Public Services and Procurement Canada

The federal government committed to procuring 88 new advanced fighter aircraft, “a fighter fleet that is capable, upgradeable, resilient and interoperable with our allies and partners to ensure Canada continues to meet its NORAD and NATO commitments in the future.”

F‑35 aircraft will replace the CF‑18 Hornet aircraft currently in service. By 2032, after almost 50 years in Canadian service, the CF‑18 fleet will have reached the end of its service life. Insufficient aircraft will remain to meet operational commitments if the delivery of the F‑35 fleet is significantly delayed.

Audit objective
The audit seeks to determine whether National Defence developed plans to introduce the F-35A Joint Strike Fighter aircraft into service and achieved progress on them so that fighter capability would be delivered on time and on budget and would meet the government’s operational commitments to NORAD and NATO and to enforcing Canada’s sovereignty.

Real Property Management

Entities: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Public Services and Procurement Canada, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

Public Services and Procurement Canada manages a general-purpose office‑space portfolio of about 6.2 million square metres. This portfolio is to be managed in a way that is efficient and that maximizes value for money for Canadian taxpayers.

Public Services and Procurement Canada has to understand the supply and demand for office space. In addition, the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat develops administrative policy requirements for the management of real property assets.

Audit objective
The audit seeks to determine whether

  • Public Services and Procurement Canada managed the government’s general-purpose office-space portfolio to provide adequate space for the public service while minimizing costs to Canadians, with the support and guidance of the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
  • the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation managed the Federal Lands Initiative in a way that enabled the corporation to achieve the initiative’s aims under Canada’s National Housing Strategy
Registration of First Nations Persons

Entities: Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada, Indigenous Services Canada

Under the Indian Act, the precise legal meaning of the term “Indian” refers to First Nations people who are entitled to registration. Most Indigenous people in Canada do not identify as “Indians.” In addition, there is no register at Indigenous Services Canada for people who identify as Inuit or Métis.

A person registered under the act is entitled to certain benefits and rights and is eligible for a range of federal and provincial or territorial programs and services.

In a June 2022 report titled Make It Stop! Ending the Remaining Discrimination in Indian Registration, the then Standing Senate Committee on Aboriginal Peoples recommended that the Office of the Auditor General of Canada conduct a performance audit of Indigenous Services Canada’s registration of people with a focus on the implementation of legislative amendments to the act’s registration provisions since 1985.

Audit objective
The audit seeks to determine whether Indigenous Services Canada and Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada effectively and efficiently managed the registration process under the Indian Act.

Canadian Amred Forces Recruitment

Follow-up on Indigenous Matters

Call Centers—Canada Revenue Agency

Permanent Residency for International Students

Federal Pay System

Early Learning and Child Care

Housing for Canadian Armed Forces

Update on Past Audits

Environmental and Sustainable Development Audits

Report titles
Anticipated publication: 2024
Critical Minerals

Entities: Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, Natural Resources Canada

Canada has identified 31 minerals as “critical minerals” and has prioritized 6 of them for their distinct potential to spur Canadian economic growth. These are considered essential minerals for the transition to cleaner energy technologies, such as batteries for electric vehicles or renewable energy generation from wind turbines or solar panels.

The Canadian Critical Minerals Strategy focuses on strengthening critical mineral value chains and supporting mining activities and projects.

Audit objective
This audit seeks to determine whether:

  • Natural Resources Canada and Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada developed an appropriate governance and reporting structure to implement the Canadian Critical Minerals Strategy in a manner that protects the environment and supports indigenous communities by identifying risks and mitigating effects
  • Natural Resources Canada delivered on initial actions in support of the Canadian Critical Minerals Strategy under the Critical Minerals Geoscience and Data Initiative
Departmental Progress in Implementing Sustainable Development Strategy—Clean Energy

Entities: Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Indigenous Services Canada, Natural Resources Canada

The Federal Sustainable Development Strategy is the federal government’s primary vehicle for sustainable development, planning and reporting. In 2015, Canada also adopted the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which contains 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The federal strategy supports the 2030 Agenda and its goals.

For this year’s audit, the team will focus on whether a selection of organizations have contributed to the targets under the Clean Energy goal in the 2019–2022 Federal Sustainable Development Strategy.

Audit objective
This audit seeks to determine whether the selected federal organizations

  • contributed to meeting the clean power generation and energy efficiency targets under the Clean Energy goal in the 2019–2022 Federal Sustainable Development Strategy
  • reported on their results towards achieving related targets 7.2 (to increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix) and 7.3 (to double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency) under the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), as applicable to each organization
Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act

Entities: Canada Infrastructure Bank, Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Infrastructure Canada, National Research Council Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Privy Council Office, Transport Canada

The Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act, which came into force on 29 June 2021, focuses on promoting transparency and accountability in the federal government’s efforts to ensure that Canada achieves net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

In March 2022, the Minister of Environment and Climate Change published the 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan, which details mitigation measures. This is the first plan under the act.

The act requires the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to report on the government’s implementation of mitigation measures. Our first report was tabled in November 2023, and we will continue to report annually.

Audit objective
This audit seeks to determine whether selected federal entities have made progress toward effectively implementing selected measures to reduce Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions and whether Environment and Climate Change Canada has reported on progress in a transparent manner.

Capacity to Assess and Reassess Species at Risk

Entities: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Under the Species at Risk Act, species status assessments are completed by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Environment and Climate Change Canada provides the committee with the assistance it needs to carry out its functions. Species status assessments are the first step in the process for protecting and recovering species at risk of extinction or extirpation from Canada.

In recent years, the backlog of species for the committee to reassess has grown. Without reassessments, Canadians may not know whether recovery efforts are working to recover species at risk of extinction.

Audit objective
This audit seeks to determine whether Environment and Climate Change Canada met requirements so that status assessments and timely reassessments for species at risk were completed.

Environmental Petitions Annual Report

This annual report will inform Parliament and Canadians about the number, nature, and status of petitions and responses received from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024, as required by section 23 of the Auditor General Act. The Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development administers the environmental petitions process on behalf of the Auditor General of Canada.

Read last year’s report to see what it’s all about.

Report titles
Anticipated publication: 2025
Climate Change Adaptation

Entities: Environment and Climate Change Canada, Health Canada, Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Public Safety Canada

Canada’s climate is changing rapidly with widespread impacts, such as more frequent and devastating events like heat waves, floods, droughts, and wildfires. Adapting to these changes is critical, as the growing magnitude and scale of these events is leading to increased economic and social costs. The Government of Canada estimates that it has invested more than $6.5 billion in adaptation since 2015.

In 2016, Canada ratified the Paris Agreement, which outlines the need for countries to develop a national adaptation plan. In December 2020, as part of its strengthened climate plan, A Healthy Environment and a Healthy Economy, the Government of Canada committed to developing Canada’s first National Adaptation Strategy. The National Adaptation Strategy was released in June 2023.

Audit objective
This audit seeks to determine whether Environment and Climate Change Canada and other system leads effectively designed the National Adaptation Strategy and implemented actions.

Critical Habitat for Species at Risk

Oceans Management

Terrestrial Protected Areas

Marine Protected Areas

Departmental Progress in Implementing Sustainable Development Strategy

Net-Zero Accountability

Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas

Audits of Northern Territories


Report titles
Anticipated publication: 2024
Yukon Contracting and Procurement

Entities: Department of Highways and Public Works

The Government of Yukon considers procurement to be an important tool to help it deliver programs and services to Yukon residents.

In 2020, the Department of Highways and Public Works introduced an electronic system for managing bids and tenders. In February 2021, it updated the Government of Yukon’s procurement policy to include a new “Yukon First Nations Procurement Policy” section. Its goal is to enhance the economic outcomes of Yukon First Nations citizens and businesses. Collectively, both updates introduced significant changes in the way procurement and contracting activities occur within the Government of Yukon.

Audit objective
This audit seeks to examine whether Government of Yukon organizations created a competitive procurement environment and made procurement and contracting decisions that resulted in value for money for Yukoners.

Report titles
Anticipated publication: 2025

Yukon Nominee Program

Child and Family Services

Northwest Territories

Report titles
Anticipated publication: 2024
Stanton Territorial Hospital Renewal Project

Entities: Department of Finance, Department of Infrastructure, Department of Health and Social Services, Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Authority

Located in Yellowknife, the Stanton Territorial Hospital is the largest hospital in the Northwest Territories, serving patients from all regions of the Northwest Territories and the Kitikmeot region of Nunavut.

In 2014, the Government of the Northwest Territories approved the procurement of the Stanton Territorial Hospital Renewal Project under a public-private partnership to expand and improve the original Stanton Territorial Hospital to meet the current and future health care needs of residents of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Audit objective
This audit seeks to determine whether the departments of Finance, Infrastructure, and Health and Social Services and the Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Authority delivered on their responsibilities and commitments for the Stanton Territorial Hospital Renewal Project, including whether this project provided good value for money for the government and residents of the Northwest Territories.

Report titles
Anticipated publication: 2025

Protected and Conservation Areas



Report titles
Anticipated publication: 2025
Child and Family Services

Entity: Department of Family Services

In 2023, we released an audit report that concluded that the Department of Family Services had consistently failed to take action to protect and support the well-being of vulnerable children and youth and their families in accordance with legislation, policy, and program requirements.

Audit objective
The audit seeks to determine whether the Department of Family Services has made progress in improving services to protect and support the well‑being of vulnerable children and youth and their families in accordance with legislation, policy, and program requirements.


Audits of Crown Corporations

Crown Corporations
Anticipated publication: 2024

Destination Canada (Canadian Tourism Commission)

Canadian Air Transport Security Authority

Crown Corporations
Anticipated publication: 2025

Via Rail Canada IncorporatedInc.