Protection of the Central Experimental Farm as a research facility and a national historic site of Canada

Petition: 388

Issue(s): Agriculture, environmental assessment, governance, science and technology

Petitioner(s): Canadian organization

Petitioner Location(s): Ottawa, Ontario

Date Received: 28 January 2016

Status: Completed—Response(s) to petition received

Summary: The petition asks for information about the transfer of 60 acres of the Central Experimental Farm in Ottawa from the control of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to the National Capital Commission. It also addresses concerns about the negotiations to lease that land to the Ottawa Hospital Corporation for a 99-year period.

The Central Experimental Farm is a national historic site where various environmental scientific experiments are conducted. For instance, the Farm conducts experiments on the impact of climate change on agriculture, and studies crop yields and soil biodiversity. The petition asserts that the proposed severance of some of the most significant acreage will have negative impacts on the Farm in its role as both research facility and national historic site.

The petition asks, among other things, why the transfer has not been subjected to an environmental assessment, what other sites were considered, and why no public hearings have been held on the transfer. The petition also asks to make available to the general public the basis of the decisions that led to the transfer.

Federal departments responsible for reply: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, Parks Canada