Asphalt plant air pollution concerns

Petition: 467

Issue(s): Air quality; Compliance and enforcement; Human/environmental health; Toxic substances

Petitioner(s): A Canadian resident

Petitioner location(s): Toronto, Ontario

Date received: 6 March 2022

Status: Completed - Response(s) to petition received

Summary: The petition expresses concerns regarding air pollution from an asphalt plant in Toronto, Ontario. The petition asserts that pollution coming from the asphalt plant is harming the health of people residing in the surrounding area and is damaging the environment. Citing Ontario’s land use guidelines, the petition says they indicate that an asphalt plant may have adverse effects on people and other land uses within 1000 metres of the site. The petition requests that Environment and Climate Change Canada clarify its role in resolving this matter. Furthermore, the petition expresses concerns that the pollutants from the asphalt plant are not included in the National Pollutant Release Inventory and asks how Environment and Climate Change Canada collects and verifies data.

The petition includes past correspondence between the petitioner and Environment and Climate Change Canada concerning the department’s responsibility for administering and enforcing the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999. However, the petition indicates that Environment and Climate Change Canada stated that the act and its regulations do not set thresholds for emissions from hot asphalt mix plants. Furthermore, according to the petition, the department indicated that this matter falls under provincial jurisdiction. The petition asks whether Environment and Climate Change Canada has a responsibility to oversee how the Ontario provincial government is responding to this matter. The petition also asks the department what programs or initiatives exist to reduce pollutants in Canada.

Federal departments/organizations responsible for reply: Environment and Climate Change Canada