2022 Reports 6 to 10 of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to the Parliament of Canada Report 10—Environmental Petitions Annual Report

2022 Reports 6 to 10 of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to the Parliament of Canada

Report 10—Environmental Petitions Annual Report

Report 10—Environmental Petitions Annual Report

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Environmental petitions are a unique way for Canadian residents—acting as individuals or on behalf of an organization—to bring their concerns and questions about environmental and sustainable development issues to the attention of the federal ministers responsible and be guaranteed a response from them. The Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development administers the environmental petitions process on behalf of the Auditor General of Canada.

The purpose of this annual report is to inform Parliament and Canadians about the number, nature, and status of petitions and responses received from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022, as required by section 23 of the Auditor General Act.

2021–22 Results

Petitions received

The OAG received 14 environmental petitions from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022. For the titles of petitions and provinces of origin, please refer below to the list of 2021–22 petitions received.

In total, 11 federal departments and agencies received petitions requesting a response. In many cases, a petition was sent to more than 1 department or agency. The 4 organizations that received the most petitions were

  • Environment and Climate Change Canada (14 petitions)
  • Fisheries and Oceans Canada (7 petitions)
  • Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (4 petitions)
  • Natural Resources Canada (4 petitions)

Key issues raised

Petitions submitted during the reporting period from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022 addressed a wide variety of issues, including concerns about compliance with and enforcement of environmental laws and regulations. Concerns about the effects of exposure to different toxic substances, the protection of endangered species, forest carbon accounting, and the effects of construction on biodiversity were among other issues raised in the petitions.

Departmental and agency performance and responses

During the reporting period, 16 departments and agencies responded to 20 petitions. With the exception of 1 late response from the Department of Finance Canada, all responses were provided within the 120-day statutory response period.

2021–22 Petitions Received

Visit our Environmental Petitions web page for more information about past petitions, case studies, and the petitions process.